Lookout Centres
The Welfare Call Group has been working with the Virtual Schools (recognised as Lookout Centres in Australia) network for over 16 years. We provide a daily phone call to monitor the attendance at schools of Looked After Children (recognised as Out of Home Care children in Australia). The data collected is used by the Lookout Centres to provide early intervention with vulnerable cohorts of children. The rapport we build up with the schools that we contact enhances this procedure and leads to positive outcomes in attainment and reductions in exclusions.
Welfare Call
Operating System
Social Workers
Welfare Call
Welfare Call
Designated Teachers
The role of the Designated Teacher involved with Out of Home Care children is to act as support for them and to promote their educational achievement. We co-ordinate with the Designated Teacher as a focal point within the school and to minimise the disruption to the child’s learning through attendance and attainment data.
Social Workers
We assist Social Workers who work with children and young people who reside with foster carers, kinship carers or in residential placements. The role is to work alongside other professionals, to ensure that a child or young person receives appropriate care, education and health services.
We make over 9500 calls to schools on a daily basis to collect the attendance data for Out of Home Care children. In doing so we build rapport with the schools and often find out information about the children in the care of the Lookout Centre before they themselves are aware. This again assists with early intervention and provides a solid base for the safeguarding of these vulnerable children.