We’ve been collecting data on Out of Home Care/Looked After Children for 16 years and has been designing reports, in conjunction with the Lookout Centres/Virtual Schools, to try and better understand the early interventions required and to ensure the safeguarding of this very vulnerable group.
We have now developed a series of dashboards looking at key areas of the Out of Home Care/Looked After Children and how you can drill down into the data to better understand the cohort needs and issues that occur in regions, territories and countries.
These are the key points around our new Analytics tool:
- Excellent graphical representation of data
- The ability to print on-screen representations in pdf format
- Drill down to individual child level
- Look at key areas of interest
- Persistent Absence
- Exclusions
- Attainment
- Missing Marks
- Overall Attendance
- Performance against National Statistics
- Analysis on statistical neighbours
- Bespoke dashboards
These are just a few of the areas we know will be of interest and there will be many more that you have in mind…so just ask us and we will set them up for you.