Pupil Premium allocations and conditions of grant for 2022-2023

The goal of the pupil premium grant(PPG) is to raise the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to help them reach their potential. The government has just published its Pupil Premium allocations and conditions of grant for 2022-2023.
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The PPG is allocated to local authorities who must distribute it to each school they maintain based on the number of pupils in year groups reception to year 11, who are:
- Recorded as eligible for free school meals, or have been recorded as eligible at any point in the last 6 years
- Previously looked-after children (PLAC)
PPG is also allocated to local authorities based on the number of looked-after children (LAC) supported by the authority. This portion of funding for LAC and PLAC pupils is referred to as ‘pupil premium plus’ (PP+).
How can this funding be used?
The government guidance states that schools must use PPG funding for the purpose of raising the educational attainment of PLAC, LAC and pupils who are eligible for FSM Ever 6. Any PPG funded activities must be those that:
- support the quality of teaching, such as staff professional development;
- provide targeted academic support, such as tutoring; and
- tackle non-academic barriers to academic success, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support
In addition, it states that it is the responsibility of the Virtual School Head (VSH) in the local authority that looks after the child, in consultation with the child’s educational setting, to ensure that PPG is used to support those children’s educational needs in accordance with their personal education plans.
Measuring and isolating the impact of PP+
Welfare Call has linked targets, Pupil Premium expenditure and interventions from the education Endowment Toolkit within our ePEP platform for a number of years. As a result of the subsequent review of targets that have been agreed upon within each child/young person’s Personal Education Plan, combined with robust reporting tools, Virtual Schools can thoroughly interrogate their use of PP+ and its efficiency in supporting young people.
Our successful model has been built to meet the needs of all our customers and has the degree of flexibility within our customisation options to ensure that it can work for you; you can find out more in our blog on the use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for looked after children.
The insights we have been able to provide to virtual schools and local authorities are invaluable. Below are examples of Analytics charts displaying Pupil Premium Spend categorised by the Categories and Interventions of the Education Endowment Foundation Toolkit, Review Status and Pupil Premium Impact.
Since its release, over 40 of our Local Authority PEP customers have adopted this module, approving over £21 million of funding for over 12,000 pupils, across 60,000+ targets at 5,000+ schools. £1.8 million of Pupil Premium requests for 2,500 pupils await approval.
If you’d like to find out more about how Welfare Call can help you understand how your Pupil Premium is deployed and which targets are the most successful, impactful, and effective, get in touch:
Email [email protected], call +44 (0)1226 716333, drop us a line using our contact form, or contact your account manager directly for a further discussion.