Unifying Services for Better Care: How Welfare Call Leads the Way

Posted by on 23rd September 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of health, social care, and education, effective coordination and collaboration are crucial for ensuring the well-being of vulnerable children and young people. Welfare Call stands at the forefront, playing a key role in unifying services to create a seamless and integrated approach.


Data Interoperability: Building the ‘Golden Record’

One of the cornerstones of Welfare Call’s vision is the promotion of data interoperability. We actively form partnerships with other organisations, fostering an environment where data can be shared seamlessly. This collaboration results in the creation of a ‘golden record’ – a comprehensive and cohesive view of a child’s information. This integrated approach ensures that all stakeholders have access to accurate and up-to-date data, eliminating silos and enhancing the efficiency of decision-making processes.


The Widening Remit of Virtual Schools and Local Authorities

Welfare Call’s commitment to supporting Virtual Schools and Local Authorities extends to a wide range of scenarios, including (but not limited to) children with a social worker, those in care, those under CiN or CP, youth involved in the justice system, and those with SEND. Our Analytics platform plays a crucial role in tracking children throughout their education journey, offering a valuable resource for Local Authorities to monitor progress and educational outcomes and identify areas that may require intervention.


Promoting Big Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

In the age of information, Welfare Call understands the importance of harnessing the power of big data analytics. Our Analytics platform empowers Local Authorities with the tools to interpret data in a meaningful way. By identifying trends and patterns, Welfare Call enables stakeholders to make informed decisions that positively impact the lives of vulnerable children. This emphasis on data-driven insights has become an essential component of day-to-day operations for Local Authorities.


Supporting the Whole of the Local Authority

Our analytics and insights are designed to support all key stakeholders responsible for monitoring vulnerable children and young people across the entirety of the Local Authority, whether they are under the care of the authority, have social services involvement as Children in Need (CiN) or on Child Protection (CP) plans, involved in Youth Justice, or have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).


Welfare Call is a driving force in promoting integration and collaboration across health, social care, and education services.

Our team of in-house experts work with you in partnership and have previously worked within Local Authorities and Virtual Schools themselves, so are able to promote and share best practice models. They act as consultants, drawing on the experience of working with over 95 local authorities over the past 15 years.

Through our commitment to data interoperability, the formation of golden records, and the utilisation of big data analytics, Welfare Call empowers Local Authorities to provide better care for vulnerable children and exemplifies how technology and collaboration can work hand in hand to create a brighter future for those who need it most.


Welfare Call currently works with over 100 local authorities in the UK, helping education services, social services, and children’s and families’ departments in meeting their statutory obligations and duties with regard to monitoring vulnerable children and improving their educational outcomes. Get in touch to find out more.