Bridging the Gap: Welfare Call’s Impact on Education Equality

Posted by on 23rd October 2023

The pursuit of education equality is a huge challenge for councillors and policymakers. Tackling issues such as the educational attainment gap and child poverty demands innovative solutions that go beyond traditional approaches; it needs a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach.


Welfare Call plays a pivotal role in promoting education equality through data-driven insights and support services and offers a suite of services and solutions designed to address these challenges head-on.


Equity in Outcomes

One of the key contributions of Welfare Call lies in promoting equity in educational outcomes based on the unique needs of individual children and young people. By harnessing the power of data analytics, Welfare Call helps ensure that schools and local authorities can tailor their strategies to meet the specific requirements of each student, mitigating the impact of socioeconomic disparities on academic achievement.


Optimising Funding Streams

We recognise the critical role that funding plays in shaping educational outcomes. Our solutions help ensure that relevant funding streams, such as Pupil Premium Plus, are distributed and utilised appropriately to enhance educational results. By aligning financial resources with data-driven insights, Welfare Call maximises the impact of every educational investment, particularly for students facing economic challenges.




We provide a Pupil Premium manager enabling Virtual Schools to monitor and report on SMART targets, Pupil Premium expenditure and interventions used from the Education Endowment Toolkit. Our reporting suite enables you to see how much Pupil Premium has been requested and granted on a cohort, child and individual school level.


Promoting Access to Education

Equality in education goes beyond the classroom – it extends to the very process of accessing education. Welfare Call monitors and analyses factors that may contribute to disparities, such as the impact of school type on disproportionate exclusions among certain cohort groups, enabling analysis across a variety of characteristics including ethnicity, UASC, and SEND. Identifying trends and patterns allows Welfare Call to advocate for inclusive policies and practices that foster equal opportunities for all.


Data-Driven Decision-Making

At the heart of Welfare Call’s impact is our commitment to data-driven decision-making. Informed decisions lead to better outcomes, and we empower schools and local authorities with robust data analytics capabilities. By providing actionable insights alongside contextual data, Welfare Call facilitates a more nuanced understanding of the challenges faced by students, enabling targeted interventions and strategies that address the root causes of educational disparities.


Empowering student voices

Our electronic Personal Education Plan (ePEP) services enable children and young people to have a voice so they can describe in their own words the successes and challenges they may face through their educational journey. This holistic approach ensures that any interventions which are put in place correlate with the child and young person’s own thoughts, feelings, wishes and needs.



Supporting Local Authorities

Welfare Call actively collaborates with over 95 Local Authorities throughout England in their mission to close the attainment gap and uphold a steadfast commitment to education equality. By offering comprehensive support services and leveraging data analytics, Welfare Call is an invaluable partner in the pursuit of a more equitable and inclusive education system, and in shaping a brighter, more equitable future for all students.



Find out more

Welfare Call currently works with over 100 local authorities in the UK, helping education services, social services, and children’s and families’ departments in meeting their statutory obligations and duties with regard to monitoring vulnerable children and improving their educational outcomes. Get in touch to find out more.