Free upcoming Analytics webinars: have you booked your place?

We’ve got a big programme of free Analytics webinars coming up this term – have you booked your place yet?
Over the next two weeks in April and May, the team will be running sessions on using our Analytics solution to help you better understand issues such as early interventions required and to ensure the safeguarding of vulnerable groups.
The webinars will be run by Associate Product Manager and Analytics expert, James Brown, and he’ll be joined by Sue Nield, formerly of Hertfordshire Virtual School, to help answer your questions
These free webinars are primarily for Analytics users to support the recent upgrade to the platform. However, all customers are welcome, especially those curious about the benefits that using Analytics could bring them.
The webinars give an overview of the platform, what it does and how to use it, broken down into sections:
- Attendance
- Exclusions
- PEP (ePEP) completion
- Attainment
- Outcomes
- Funding
They will also help you understand how local authorities can develop, use and improve data analytics tools in children’s social care, as per government guidance Develop and use data analytics tools in children’s social care released earlier this month by the DfE in conjunction with the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.
To book a place on any of these sessions contact your Account Managers or get in touch with us at: [email protected]
Tel: +44 (0)1226 716333