Case Study: Utilising Data to Enhance Support for CIN and CP Children in Virtual Schools with AfC Virtual School and College

Background Suzanne Parrott is the Executive Headteacher of AfC Virtual School and College and is the Associate Director for the education standards of children with a social worker.  AfC Virtual School supports the education of all children looked after who… Read more

Posted by on 13th June 2023

Electronic PEPs: their rise in popularity and the benefits of moving your PEPs online

Over the last 15 years Welfare Call has witnessed – and been a crucial part of – a fundamental evolvement in the way children’s personal education plans (PEPs) are accessed and completed.   Whilst there is still a proportion of… Read more

Posted by on 14th February 2023

Youth Justice Board to Pilot Supported Accommodation Scheme for Children In Custody

The Youth Justice Board (YJB) is working with London councils to establish a specialist supported accommodation programme as an alternative to placing young people in custody. The board wants to pilot a bespoke supported setting to address the high number… Read more

Posted by on 27th April 2022

New Government Initiative: Support for vulnerable young people in serious violence hotspots

We’re interested to learn of a new government initiative to support young people across England who are most at risk of serious violence or gang exploitation Support for vulnerable young people in serious violence hotspots – GOV.UK   The targeted… Read more

Posted by on 18th January 2022