Welfare Call & Cyber Essentials Plus: A Continued Commitment to Maintaining High Data Security Standards

At Welfare Call, we understand the importance of safeguarding sensitive data. In an era where cyber threats are ever-present, ensuring the security of our clients’ and partners’ information is more important than ever. That’s why we are proud to announce… Read more

Posted by on 2nd July 2024

Online Training: Extranet/Analytics functionality and features

Calling all new Virtual School users or anyone who would like refresher training: the first of our termly repeat training sessions is coming up this Thursday 9th May.   Are you a new user eager to unlock the full potential… Read more

Posted by on 7th May 2024

Free upcoming Analytics webinars: have you booked your place?

We’ve got a big programme of free Analytics webinars coming up this term – have you booked your place yet?   Over the next two weeks in April and May, the team will be running sessions on using our AnalyticsRead more

Posted by on 20th April 2024

Reflections on NAVSH Annual Conference 2024

It was another successful NAVSH conference for Welfare Call this year, and we were very proud to be part of NAVSH’s 10 year anniversary celebration. Over the course of the two days, it was not only lovely to see and… Read more

Posted by on 20th March 2024

Come and meet us at the NAVSH Annual Conference in Birmingham, 11th-12th March 2024

With the NAVSH conference only a week away now, Welfare Call always looks forward to this time of year, when we can catch up with new and familiar faces. Our goody bags are becoming infamous as well (I’ll keep it… Read more

Posted by on 4th March 2024

Cyber Essentials Compliant in 2024

Once again, thanks to the efforts of our technical and security teams to meet the new v3.1 Montpellier standard,  Welfare Call (LAC) Ltd has been awarded a Cyber Essentials certificate for 2024. You can view the certificate here: https://registry.blockmarktech.com/certificates/73d1e065-0c35-4341-bbd7-3d6efa8c92b6/ and… Read more

Posted by on 15th February 2024