Reflections on the NAVSH conference 2023

A massive thank you to everyone who came to say hello and chat with us at the NAVSH conference 2023.   We had a fantastic two days at the event and as always it was lovely to catch up with… Read more

Posted by on 31st March 2023

Electronic PEPs: their rise in popularity and the benefits of moving your PEPs online

Over the last 15 years Welfare Call has witnessed – and been a crucial part of – a fundamental evolvement in the way children’s personal education plans (PEPs) are accessed and completed.   Whilst there is still a proportion of… Read more

Posted by on 14th February 2023

Lisa Linscott & Dorset Virtual School: Our Journey with Welfare Call

Lisa Linscott is Virtual School Head and Principal Teacher at Dorset Council.  The Virtual School provides education for children in care (CiC), and also for previously looked after children (PLAC). Its mission is to improve the education and life… Read more

Posted by on 28th February 2022

New funding stream available from the DfE

We’re pleased to hear there that there is a new funding stream/grant available for schools and Virtual Schools which people may not be aware of.   As part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) education recovery plan, the Secretary of… Read more

Posted by on 2nd December 2021

Welfare Call accredited for the government G-Cloud 12 framework

We’re happy to announce that we’ve once again been accepted on the latest iteration of the Government certified Digital Marketplace framework, G-Cloud 12.   The G-Cloud framework is an initiative that the Government began in 2012 to provide UK public… Read more

Posted by on 2nd February 2021

A VERY Happy New Year, and welcome to Somerset, Tower Hamlets & Waltham Forest

Welcome back one and all after the festive break. Welfare Call hopes the New Year has started as well for you as it has for us.   Another month brings more good news for us, and we can announce that… Read more

Posted by on 17th January 2017