Further £16.6m Funding Confirmed for Virtual Schools by Will Quince MP

Last month saw the return of the National Association of Virtual School Heads Conference as an in-person event at London’s Earls Court. It was great to catch up with virtual heads in person after working alongside them remotely for so… Read more

Posted by on 24th March 2022

Where are England’s Children? Safeguarding the most vulnerable children through Attendance monitoring

This week saw the publication of Where are England’s Children? Interim findings from the Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit.   In order to investigate how much Local Authorities (LAs) know about children that are missing education, the Children’s Commissioner’s office… Read more

Posted by on 11th March 2022

Lisa Linscott & Dorset Virtual School: Our Journey with Welfare Call

Lisa Linscott is Virtual School Head and Principal Teacher at Dorset Council.  The Virtual School provides education for children in care (CiC), and also for previously looked after children (PLAC). Its mission is to improve the education and life… Read more

Posted by on 28th February 2022

The use of Pupil Premium Plus to Improve Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children

A recent paper written by Bath Spa University highlighted the variations in how different virtual schools allocate and manage Pupil Premium allocations, and the need to be able to measure and isolate the impact of PP+. As identified in this… Read more

Posted by on 25th February 2022

NAVSH Conference 2022: How to widen the brief without losing the plot

NAVSH conference 2022

We are really looking forward to seeing you all in person at the NAVSH conference on 16th – 17th March 2022 at Earl’s Court, London. This year’s theme is “How to widen the brief without losing the plot” so we’ll… Read more

Posted by on 17th February 2022

Does your Authority issue fines to parents of absent children? New consultation launched by DfE to end postcode lottery in how schools manage avoidable absence.

Does your Authority issue fines to parents of absent children? The issue of pupil attendance data has been talked about a lot over the past couple of weeks as the government has proposed that they are looking to set a… Read more

Posted by on 11th February 2022

New Government Initiative: Support for vulnerable young people in serious violence hotspots

We’re interested to learn of a new government initiative to support young people across England who are most at risk of serious violence or gang exploitation Support for vulnerable young people in serious violence hotspots – GOV.UK   The targeted… Read more

Posted by on 18th January 2022

Cyber Essentials : 2021 Confirmed Compliant

“Despite the challenges and substantial changes in working practices over the last 12 months, as we all get used to a new ‘normal’ we are delighted to say that our security processes have met the everything 2020 could throw at… Read more

Posted by on 14th December 2021

New funding stream available from the DfE

We’re pleased to hear there that there is a new funding stream/grant available for schools and Virtual Schools which people may not be aware of.   As part of the Department for Education’s (DfE) education recovery plan, the Secretary of… Read more

Posted by on 2nd December 2021

How can we help Virtual School heads get children in care the education they need?

An article caught my eye earlier this month on the challenges of getting children in care the education they need. It goes on to say that Virtual School heads lack the powers they need in the face of “pushback” from… Read more

Posted by on 17th November 2021

Covid-19: business continuity updates

During this outbreak we are communicating directly with our customers daily and issuing regular business continuity updates by email.  You can see the status of our services in the table below: Service Status Extranet Running as usual ePEP Running as… Read more

Posted by on 3rd April 2020

Remembering Francis Holt

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Francis Holt. Francis passed away on the evening of the 23rd January 2020 after suffering from a long-term illness. After exhausting all treatment options he had spent… Read more

Posted by on 12th February 2020

Welcome to our community! Poole, Wokingham and Aberdeen City join Welfare Call

It’s a new term and we’re happy to welcome some new Local Authorities to our community . . . as well as welcoming back some longer standing customers!   We are pleased to welcome back Birmingham and Islington to our… Read more

Posted by on 17th September 2018

Putting to bed the argument: automatic software vs telephone calling to collect the attendance of children in care

Over the past 13 years, Welfare Call has successfully monitored the attendance of looked after children on behalf of authorities in England & Wales, developing the process and increasing our knowledge along the way! However, whilst our process in collecting… Read more

Posted by on 17th July 2018

Welcome aboard Birmingham!

Welfare Call is over the moon to announce that Birmingham’s Virtual School have chosen Welfare Call to support them in the collection of school attendance for their looked after children. Birmingham has the biggest cohort of children in care in… Read more

Posted by on 17th March 2018

Welfare Call is delighted to announce a new partnership with Capita One B2B Open Exports

For a long time now, Welfare Call has had the ability to provide authorities reports in XML format, which can then be imported manually by our customers into their Capita One systems. Historically, this saved you manually inputting the attendance… Read more

Posted by on 17th June 2017

A VERY Happy New Year, and welcome to Somerset, Tower Hamlets & Waltham Forest

Welcome back one and all after the festive break. Welfare Call hopes the New Year has started as well for you as it has for us.   Another month brings more good news for us, and we can announce that… Read more

Posted by on 17th January 2017

Our busiest Summer EVER! Welcome back everyone, and welcome to our new authorities

September 2016 – Our busiest Summer EVER! Welcome back, everyone.   Even though this Summer’s calendar led to pupils having seven weeks holiday instead of six, the time has just as quickly flown by, and everyone will be in full… Read more

Posted by on 4th September 2016
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