Free upcoming Analytics webinars: have you booked your place?

We’ve got a big programme of free Analytics webinars coming up this term – have you booked your place yet? Over the next two weeks in April and May, the team will be running sessions on using our Analytics… Read more
Pupil Premium allocations and conditions of grant for 2022-2023

The goal of the pupil premium grant(PPG) is to raise the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to help them reach their potential. The government has just published its Pupil Premium allocations and conditions of grant for 2022-2023… Read more
Further £16.6m Funding Confirmed for Virtual Schools by Will Quince MP

Last month saw the return of the National Association of Virtual School Heads Conference as an in-person event at London’s Earls Court. It was great to catch up with virtual heads in person after working alongside them remotely for so… Read more
Cyber Essentials : 2021 Confirmed Compliant

“Despite the challenges and substantial changes in working practices over the last 12 months, as we all get used to a new ‘normal’ we are delighted to say that our security processes have met the everything 2020 could throw at… Read more
Welfare Call accredited for the government G-Cloud 12 framework

We’re happy to announce that we’ve once again been accepted on the latest iteration of the Government certified Digital Marketplace framework, G-Cloud 12. The G-Cloud framework is an initiative that the Government began in 2012 to provide UK public… Read more
Welfare Call is delighted to announce a new partnership with Capita One B2B Open Exports

For a long time now, Welfare Call has had the ability to provide authorities reports in XML format, which can then be imported manually by our customers into their Capita One systems. Historically, this saved you manually inputting the attendance… Read more
A VERY Happy New Year, and welcome to Somerset, Tower Hamlets & Waltham Forest

Welcome back one and all after the festive break. Welfare Call hopes the New Year has started as well for you as it has for us. Another month brings more good news for us, and we can announce that… Read more
Our busiest Summer EVER! Welcome back everyone, and welcome to our new authorities

September 2016 – Our busiest Summer EVER! Welcome back, everyone. Even though this Summer’s calendar led to pupils having seven weeks holiday instead of six, the time has just as quickly flown by, and everyone will be in full… Read more